Monday, November 3, 2008

ya ampun

hahahaha ensuring the schedule : si kangmas ke rumah gue akhir bulan...

today is just the same day like the other days since the H day which is quite enough to broke my heart, destroyed all the days that supposed to be fun, happy and colourful for me. all of my close friends and bestfriends know about that dark day.

at that time, world was just the same like hell. everyday seems to be like the day that i should die, no spirit of life, there's no smiles from my lips, no laughs, emptiness, tears...

'cry' *only that thing that i can do easily at that time*

loosed him was the hardest part of my life, the saddest situation.

one day, my mom was came to me, touched my hand and my head. she hugged me tightly then said, '' it's okay dear... "
deeply i cried. tearsdrops just fell. i really never thought that losing someone in my life would just destroy me enough. it was so painful.

then i try to fix everything all alone. it looks like that he just don't care anymore about what the hell is going on with me..

well...enough for me to know that the feel of losing someone was like that.

hhh, ikhlasin *pesen dr nyokap gue* but i'm not such a perfect woman. dan dgn yakin gue msh susah buat ikhlas akan sesuatu hal. tp smua orng bs blajar pelan-pelan kan? so just learn from the past.

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