Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Sunday October 5th 2008

happy birthday to me
happy birthday to me
happy birthday
happy birthday
happy birthday to me

now i'm 17. yuhuu,jadi semangat gue. hahaha (freak bgt si gue,cm 17 taun aja kegirangan)

Ada satu ucapan paling favorit,ucapan yg paling sweet dr orang terdekat gue.

ucapannya kyk gini :
'' this morning when i woke up, i said a prayer for you that today would be a good day filled with lots of little things to make you smile. I asked the lord to bless you with happy thoughts, warm friendships and carefree moments. And i don't stop there... I asked for bright days ahead and deep, true happiness, because you're a very special 'buntelan' in this world and you deserve all of life's richest blessings. Happy sweet seventeen my lovely buntelan...''

yak,ini ucapan datang dr kakak sepupu gue tersayang. ckck. Thank you my dearest Taufiq Nugroho Widjanarko.

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